a little place I like to call home.

Zig <> Crystal

Apr. 7, 2021

Recently, I have been looking at Zig as a way to build fast C-native libraries for slower languages like Ruby. While I'm familar with Ruby, I wanted to try C-native libraries with another language, like Crystal instead. There are a couple different...

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QuickJS - Compiling hello.c

Mar. 26, 2021

Out of an interest of getting QuickJS bindings working in Crystal, I needed to figure out how to compile the hello.c which has the bare bones C implementation needed to start from. This is how I did it:

curl -O -L

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SK6812 with Arduino using NeoPixel Library

Sep. 20, 2020

I was having a hard time finding straight forward documentation/code on configuring SK6812 RBGW strips with an Arduino. The sites that I found typically had code errors or lacked documentation for getting it configured. Hopefully this will save someone...

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ESXi Binaries with Rust

Sep. 20, 2020

I've always been wanting to run applications on a ESXi console. These ambitions grew as I started learning more and more about AWS over the last 10 years. I've dreamt of building an environment that I could use to learn about how AWS does what it does...

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FactoryBot Tips

Jul. 30, 2020

Using FactoryBot bots outside of Rails Projects is as simple as

rails c -e test
include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods
FactoryBot.definition_file_paths << 'new/path/to/factories' # only needed if default paths don't suffice

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Vim + WSL + SSH + Windows Clipboard

May. 27, 2020

This post is about getting Vim + WSL + SSH working nicely for copy and pasting text from Vim. Tmux support will likely be coming in the near future since you aren't always running commands within Vim. For now you can use Shift+selection from a Tmux...

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